
This page includes tenure-track, term and adjunct faculty.

Edmund Acevedo

Christine Booker

Christine Booker, Ph.D.

Teaching Associate Professor

Jeff Diritto

Jeffrey H. Diritto

​Coordinator of Internship Experiences

Ronald Evans

R. Lee Franco

R. Lee Franco, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

and Department Chair

Ryan Garten

Youngdeok Kim

Youngdeok Kim, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

and Associate Department Chair

Danielle Kirkman

Anette Loughran-Fjeldstad

Anette Simble Loughran-Fjeldstad, Ph.D.

Teaching Associate Professor

and Director of Graduate Studies

Paula Rodriguez-Miguelez

Sylvia Rozario

Sylvia S. Rozario, Ph.D.

Teaching Assistant Professor

Matthew Scott

Matthew Scott

Teaching Assistant Professor

and Director of Undergraduate Studies

Arnethea Sutton

Stephen Vesely

Stephen Vesely

Teaching Assistant Professor

Susan Zacharia

Susan Zacharia, Ph.D.

Teaching Associate Professor